It took me quiet some time to get into concerts. I wanted my own seat, ideally with a cup holder, where I could sip my beer in peace. I wanted as much distance as I could get between myself and all the other sweaty concert goers. However, as I've gotten older and wiser, I have come to realize that the sweaty people, the not being able to see the stage due to my lack of height, my shoes smelling like beer, and the occasional bruised toes were all a part of the experience. It's an incredible experience to be surrounded by hundreds of other people who simply love the performer like you.
Granted, this picture was taken from a show where I had a seat and could easily sip my beer without someone punching it out of my hands.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Visual Gratitude: #17 Open Minds and Kind Hearts
Of course I'm a bleeding heart liberal. I want everyone to be loved and feel love. I support gay marriage. I support people who want to love another person. I also support people who are willing to open their minds and hearts to the unknown or something that makes them feel uncomfortable.
I was incredibly proud to be a Minnesotan in November when the majority of voting Minnesotans voted no on the marriage amendment. The citizens spoke out and declared that it's time for everyone to have the right to marry the person the love. Of course gay marriage still isn't legal in MN, but we're on our way.
This is a picture of a great piece of seed art that was featured at the 2012 MN State Fair.
Visual Gratitude: #16 Outdoor Baseball Games
I'm not one who enjoys sports much. I didn't play sports as a child, but I did grow up with a mother who screamed at the our television when the Vikings played. I would go to Twins games as a kid at the Metrodome. I enjoyed them, but I usually bought a ticket for something cheap to do with my friends. Seriously, you couldn't beat $5 tickets along with $1 hot dogs when you were in high school.
Now the Twins have an amazing outdoor park and the game has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I don't regularly follow the Twins. I can probably name at most 5 current players. But there's something about sitting outside in the sun enjoying a baseball game. A cold beer in my hand, sunglasses on, and an almost meditative gaze at the field. It's how baseball should be done.
Now the Twins have an amazing outdoor park and the game has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I don't regularly follow the Twins. I can probably name at most 5 current players. But there's something about sitting outside in the sun enjoying a baseball game. A cold beer in my hand, sunglasses on, and an almost meditative gaze at the field. It's how baseball should be done.
Visual Gratitude: #15 My Nephews and Niece
Most people who know me well know that I am not a fan of children. Seriously. I have a good heart, but I have a hard time dealing with kids. However, from the deepest part of my soul I love my nephews and niece.
Alex is 14, soon to be 15, and was more like a little brother to me while growing up as he lived with me for most of my childhood. Of course now he's going through his teenage years and it's rare to get even a "Hi" out of him.
Gideon is 6 and probably the coolest damn kid I've ever met. He's just awesome. He's full of life and energy. I love that about him.
Bella is 3 going on 18. She's sassy, spoiled, and a smarty pants. Of course she's a princess and probably always will be.
Both of my sisters are currently pregnant so more are soon to be added to the clan. I have a nephew that will make his appearance within the next few weeks and what I'm assuming will be a niece in November. I'm excited to add these new beings to the family, but happy I can hand them back over to their parents when I'm done with them...
Below is Gideon with the his Christmas gift from the best aunt ever.
Alex is 14, soon to be 15, and was more like a little brother to me while growing up as he lived with me for most of my childhood. Of course now he's going through his teenage years and it's rare to get even a "Hi" out of him.
Gideon is 6 and probably the coolest damn kid I've ever met. He's just awesome. He's full of life and energy. I love that about him.
Bella is 3 going on 18. She's sassy, spoiled, and a smarty pants. Of course she's a princess and probably always will be.
Both of my sisters are currently pregnant so more are soon to be added to the clan. I have a nephew that will make his appearance within the next few weeks and what I'm assuming will be a niece in November. I'm excited to add these new beings to the family, but happy I can hand them back over to their parents when I'm done with them...
Below is Gideon with the his Christmas gift from the best aunt ever.
Visual Gratitude: #14 Driving With the Windows Down
Spring is finally here in MN! Kind of... And there's nothing I love more than driving with the windows down.
Visual Gratitude: #13 My Cats

Owen, the furry one, has been with me since I got my first apartment back in 2005. I was lonely and needed a companion and, although it took him some time to warm up to me, he's been a loyal companion these last 7 years or so. He has an appetite for my clothing and he demands to sleep under the covers most nights. He's more like a dog than a cat and I love every inch of him. Even when he eats my favorite shirt....
Bodhi, the fat one, came to me in 2008. I adopted him from a shelter and loved him because of his messed up ear. He's fairly independent and doesn't care much to be held, however, he'll let you know when he's hungry. His meow is absolutely dreadful. He wakes my boyfriend and me up at all hours of the night to be fed. We typically spend an hour or two pushing him off the bed to leave us alone and he lands with a huge thud. Quickly he's back on the bed and meowing in our faces. He's a good cat, but he interferes with my beauty sleep.
Visual Gratitude: #12 Eastside Co-op

Also, I love the smell. You know that smell. The slight patchouli, I'm too cool for Cub Foods/Rainbow Foods, and I'm buying a 10 pound bag of carrots and joining to juice all of these bitches smell. I just love it!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Visual Gratitude: #10 A Good Sense of Humor
Oh the dentist. I'll admit, I loath the dentist. I'm sure this is a very common statement to be made, but my dislike for the dentist kept me away for quiet some time. I'm embarrassed to say how long. We'll just say it's been a long time since I last visited the dentist.
A couple weeks ago, after many months of shaming by my parents and boyfriend, I finally went in for a cleaning. During my visit I found out that I had my first cavity ever. The dentist actually applauded me for having my first cavity at the ripe age of 26. Fast forward a week and I was back in the chair getting my first cavity filled. Without going into too much detail there was a freak incident where a blood vessel in my face was punctured while the dentist was giving me Novocaine. I was then left with a very swollen face and the inability to move the left side of my mouth. To say the least, I was very upset. I looked awful! My left cheek was so puffy that I could barely open my left eye while driving home from the dentist.
I got home and just cried to my boyfriend. I cried mainly out of frustration. Of course their really was nothing I could do to change the situation, so I wiped away the tears and just had to smile. And every time I smiled I had to look at myself in the mirror and laugh. I looked ridiculous, but it was hilarious. In the end, I just had to keep laughing my ridiculous face.
The evidence is below, and it really isn't pretty.
A couple weeks ago, after many months of shaming by my parents and boyfriend, I finally went in for a cleaning. During my visit I found out that I had my first cavity ever. The dentist actually applauded me for having my first cavity at the ripe age of 26. Fast forward a week and I was back in the chair getting my first cavity filled. Without going into too much detail there was a freak incident where a blood vessel in my face was punctured while the dentist was giving me Novocaine. I was then left with a very swollen face and the inability to move the left side of my mouth. To say the least, I was very upset. I looked awful! My left cheek was so puffy that I could barely open my left eye while driving home from the dentist.
I got home and just cried to my boyfriend. I cried mainly out of frustration. Of course their really was nothing I could do to change the situation, so I wiped away the tears and just had to smile. And every time I smiled I had to look at myself in the mirror and laugh. I looked ridiculous, but it was hilarious. In the end, I just had to keep laughing my ridiculous face.
The evidence is below, and it really isn't pretty.
Visual Gratitude: #9 Stretch Denim
This one has a story that goes along with it: About 4 years ago I took a yoga class from an instructor I had never taken class from. She was quite a powerful teacher. She was tall, skinny, and intimidated the shit out of me. I recall her encouraging her students to identify one thing that they're thankful for everyday. She then shared that on that particular day she was thankful for stretch denim. My first reactions: "Wait... What? Here I am thinking I'm grateful for my family, my friends, my health, etc. and this chick is thankful for stretch denim?! Aren't we in a yoga class? Shouldn't the material possessions be put aside?"
Fast forward a couple of years and this powerhouse of a teacher and I are teaching at the same studio. She is definitely fierce, but one hell of a person. Genuine through and through and doesn't pretend to be something she isn't. Yes her gratitude towards stretch denim took me by surprise on that one day, but let's be real, stretch denim is pretty amazing.
Our paths have taken us in different directions, but I hope that teacher realizes the impact she made on me, and I'm sure on her students and other fellow teachers. Yes we're yoga instructors, but we're also real people. No need to embrace the "Om Namah Shivaya" 24/7. The stretch denim moment was something that would take me years to understand, but now I fully embrace it. And as someone who lives in Spandex, on the rare occasion that I wear jeans, you better believe those jeans are at least 50% Spandex.
Fast forward a couple of years and this powerhouse of a teacher and I are teaching at the same studio. She is definitely fierce, but one hell of a person. Genuine through and through and doesn't pretend to be something she isn't. Yes her gratitude towards stretch denim took me by surprise on that one day, but let's be real, stretch denim is pretty amazing.
Our paths have taken us in different directions, but I hope that teacher realizes the impact she made on me, and I'm sure on her students and other fellow teachers. Yes we're yoga instructors, but we're also real people. No need to embrace the "Om Namah Shivaya" 24/7. The stretch denim moment was something that would take me years to understand, but now I fully embrace it. And as someone who lives in Spandex, on the rare occasion that I wear jeans, you better believe those jeans are at least 50% Spandex.
Visual Gratitude: #8 Local Fare
I live in an amazing neighborhood in Northeast Minneapolis. Once the home of many Polish immigrants, Northeast (commonly referred to as "Nordeast") is now home to a wide variety of people from all over the world. Just steps from my home many families now have shops and restaurants that are inspired by their home land. Our favorite Thai restaurant serves the freashest curry dishes. Two of the best taco shops are just blocks apart from one another and within walking distance of our home. Holy Land provides our community with the best Middle Eastern foods with fresh breads, olives, and hummus.
All of these places add to why I love living in Minneapolis. I am so grateful that I have so many authentic places to dine at within steps of where I live. I will most likely be moving this summer and the thought of moving away from such places breaks my heart a bit.
All of these places add to why I love living in Minneapolis. I am so grateful that I have so many authentic places to dine at within steps of where I live. I will most likely be moving this summer and the thought of moving away from such places breaks my heart a bit.
Visual Gratitude: #7 Positive Perspective

However, this weather has taught me one good lesson, there's no benefit in being negative. Complaining about the weather will not change the weather. Cursing at my fellow drivers during a blizzard while they speed by going 70+ miles per hour will not make the driving conditions any safer. And wishing I was in a tropical locale while I'm wearing my down parka in April will not make me happier. In fact, it will do the complete opposite.
I do not applaud Lady Nature for her horrific joke, I do, however, appreciate the fact that I'm forced to have a positive outlook this Spring (if you can even call it that...).
Visual Gratitude: #6 Peace and Quiet
I am typically surrounded by people all day at work. I am so grateful for the many different faces I see throughout the day, but I also savor the quiet times. In the last few years I've taught at least 12 yoga classes a week, usually more, and as time has passed I have come to the realization that I require lots of down time. It just comes back to the whole "take care of yourself before you take care of others" philosophy. If I don't have my quiet time, there's no way I'll be able to care for my students.
The epitome of quiet time is my Su Doku book. Most nights, before I go to bed, I pull out my fine-tipped, black Sharpie pen and start to fill in those blank boxes with numbers. I've gotten to the point where I can get through most puzzles within a matter of minutes, but there's also a sweet satisfaction in taking my time and double checking my work to guarantee my success.

Sunday, April 7, 2013
Visual Gratitude: #5 The Starbucks Indulgence

Of course it depends on the time of year. Right now it's unseasonably chilly for April in MN, so my drink of choice is a grande vanilla soy chai. I find myself craving the sweet and slightly spiced drink at times. On a cold day it instantly warms me up.
When the sun starts to shine, and the heat and humidity begin to rise, I can't wait to switch to my venti unsweetened passion iced tea lemonade.
Starbucks lingo. Get it.
Visual Gratitude: #4 My Feet
As a dancer my feet were like my medals of honor. Sure they were gross, but all the scars, cuts, and scrapes on my feet were something to be proud of.
Of course now I'm not dancing, however, my feet are still something to be proud of. Although tiny, my feet have taken me all over the place. Throughout the last 26 years my feet have taken me all over the place. I took my first steps at my home in Apple Valley, MN. Later in life I would spend a week each summer walking along the beach of Leech Lake. When I turned 16 I wore awful shoes during my first visit to NYC and spent every night of my vacation mending my wounds. In the last ten years I've been lucky enough to have my feet traipse me around Paris, Chicago, Reno, Puerto Rico, various states along the east coast, and Guatemala. I feel so privileged to have experienced all the lovely places I've been able to visit throughout the last few years.
And now, every day I stand with bare feet guiding students through their yoga practice. I couldn't be more proud of the feet I stand on.

And now, every day I stand with bare feet guiding students through their yoga practice. I couldn't be more proud of the feet I stand on.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Visual Gratitude: #3 Cheese
Now maybe it's my close proximity to the cheese state (Wisconsin), but I can't ever seem to get enough cheese in my life. Cheddar, gouda, brie, swiss, bleu, any cheese! I just love it so much. So today, my friends, I am grateful for cheese.

Those who know me well, know that for about a month 50% of my diet consisted of just brie. Seriously.

Those who know me well, know that for about a month 50% of my diet consisted of just brie. Seriously.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Visual Gratitude: #2 My Parents
I know it seems pretty obvious that I'd be grateful for my parents. They did bring me into this world after all. But I am truly grateful that I'm related to these people.
It's your typical child to adult story. Growing up I hated my parents. They just didn't "get me". We were constantly arguing and I couldn't wait to grow up and get away from them. Fast forward about a decade and now I see my parents in a completely different light. My parents are actually pretty cool. We still don't see eye to eye on a lot of things and they still don't always "get me", but my parents are rad! I'm 26 and honestly enjoy hanging out with my parents.
Once I took a picture of my hands and my sister right away pointed out how much my hands look exactly like my mom's hands. I'm proud of my hands. I'm proud that my hands look like my mom's. I hope that in 28 years I'm half the person she is. I also hope that in a couple decades I have a partnership like my parents' marriage. In September my parents will have been married for 35 years. As the years pass I'm constantly amazed by what a strong relationship they have with each other.
So just remember, no matter how challenging your parents may have made your life as a child or teenager, there's a good chance things will turn around with time.

Once I took a picture of my hands and my sister right away pointed out how much my hands look exactly like my mom's hands. I'm proud of my hands. I'm proud that my hands look like my mom's. I hope that in 28 years I'm half the person she is. I also hope that in a couple decades I have a partnership like my parents' marriage. In September my parents will have been married for 35 years. As the years pass I'm constantly amazed by what a strong relationship they have with each other.
So just remember, no matter how challenging your parents may have made your life as a child or teenager, there's a good chance things will turn around with time.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Visual Gratitude: #1 Early Morning Yoga

Early morning yogis are the best! They roll out of bed, walk through the studio doors half asleep, and go through their Sun Salutations with sleep still in their eyes. That is inspiration! I am forever grateful for these dedicated yogis.
30 Days of Visual Gratitude
In light of my most recent post on why Instagram is better than Facebook, I became inspired to take more photos. More specifically, I'd like to take more photos of the things around me that bring so much happiness to my life.
It's easy to lose sight of the good things in our lives. I figured this month long "visual project" would help me to stay focused on all things great and beautiful.
"Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy." -Anne Frank
It's easy to lose sight of the good things in our lives. I figured this month long "visual project" would help me to stay focused on all things great and beautiful.
"Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy." -Anne Frank
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